CSG Designs PR and Digital Marketing Campaigns for Leading EdTech Company

Proximity Learning

CSG Designs PR and Digital Marketing Campaigns for Leading EdTech Company

Facing a critical need to recruit more virtual teachers, Proximity Learning achieved impressive results with Communications Strategy Group (CSG®)’s guidance on audience research, digital marketing and PR.

Media Mentions icon

media mentions
over 9 months

Leads Generated Icon

leads generated

Teachers Applied icon

teachers applied

average cost per application

Teachers hired icon

teachers hired

Average cost per teacher icon

maximum average cost per teacher

Solving for Proximity Learning’s Why

Proximity Learning came to CSG for expert support in meeting its recruitment goals for certified virtual teachers. Because national teacher shortages at the time were rising to the level of an emergency, the company anticipated a large surge in district demand. Proximity Learning sought CSG’s expertise to develop and execute a multichannel, cost-effective campaign to reach qualified educators and persuade them to join its ranks. Our education team lost no time analyzing the nuances of the company’s market and audiences, iterating marketing and PR plans to generate impactful results.

Digital Marketing for EdTech Hits Proximity Learning’s Recruitment Goals

Informed by intentional creativity and broad experience in promoting other EdTech companies, the digital marketing strategy CSG designed for Proximity Learning hinged on raising the company’s profile with, and prompting engagement from, several critical groups. The audience segments identified for the campaign included:

  • Qualified teachers who were interested in working in an interactive live-streamed environment.
  • District and school leaders who needed certified educators to meet their school’s schedules and needs.

CSG’s digital Innovation team drew up a multi-stage, multichannel paid media plan for Proximity Learning to cover LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and programmatic display advertising. The first stage of the campaign raised awareness of the EdTech company among the two target audiences, while the second stage focused more heavily on recruitment through conversion and retargeting ad variations.

As always, our digital team prioritized:

Check Mark

Demographic research within each platform before running campaigns, to ensure our ads reached the most receptive groups with the most compelling message.

Check Mark

Ample options to ensure flexibility in the middle of campaigns: As we monitored campaign performance, the digital team could boost high-performing ad variations while turning off ads that weren’t landing.

Facebook traffic campaign

Facebook Traffic Campaign Ad

Facebook Conversion campaign

Facebook Conversion Campaign Ad

YouTube retargeting campaign

Youtube Retargeting Campaign Ad

The results: Conversions quintupled quarter-over-quarter,
with lower costs per click and higher click-through rates than
the industry average.


link clicks

submitted applications

Raising Awareness Across Top-Tier Publications

At the same time that the digital marketing campaign was unfolding, CSG’s education industry experts designed and initiated a PR campaign to target national and education trade media outlets and drive interest in Proximity Learning’s solutions.

These efforts also paid off in a big way. Among the prominent national publications that ran pieces about Proximity Learning were:

Washington Times Article Clipping
Wall Street Journal Clipping

Working inward toward smaller but likely more relevant audiences, CSG also secured recognition for the company in top-tier trade publications, including:

Tech and Learning News Clipping

Finally, CSG implemented a strategy to drive inquiries to Proximity Learning’s sales team with local media targeting in top markets. Enlisted outlets included:

News Outlets Map

Ready to hit your EdTech company’s goals with deeply insightful, expertly designed digital marketing and public relations? Contact us today to get started.

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